版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本
Learn about Electric Circuit in 3D. Print the marker required in this app from the following link: bitly.com/ElectricCircuitMarker
In this app you can:
EXPLORE SIMPLE ELECTRIC CIRCUIT IN 3D: Just bring your marker in front of the camera and a working 3D Simple Electric Circuit will pop-up in front of your eyes. Explore it from all angles by rotating marker. By changing the value of voltage and resistance, you can observe the current changes in the circuit. Audios are embedded in order to demonstrate the concept.
EXPLORE SERIES ELECTRIC CIRCUIT IN 3D: Just click on 'Show Series Circuit' button in the panel and a working 3D Series Electric Circuit will pop-up in front of your eyes. By changing the value of voltage and circuit resistance, you can observe the current changes in the circuit. Circuit resistance is calculated with the help of following formula:
Rc = R1 + R2 + R3. Click 'Open Tool' button to see this calculation in real-time.
EXPLORE PARALLEL ELECTRIC CIRCUIT IN 3D: Just click on 'Show Parallel Circuit' button in the panel and a working 3D Parallel Electric Circuit will pop-up in front of your eyes. By changing the value of voltage and circuit resistance, you can observe the current changes in the circuit. Circuit resistance is calculated with the help of following formula:
1/Rc = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3. Click 'Open Tool' button to see this calculation in real-time.
You can toggle the switch in the app ON/OFF in order to connect/disconnect the circuit. With help of this app, students can understand the electric circuits in very interactive and easy manner.